Monday 10 January 2011

Beginning to get frustrated!

So I am not 5 weeks post op and I am beginning to get a bit frustrated at not being able to run.
I have been going to the gym in the mornings and I see everyone doing cardio. I got asked to play 5-a-side football on Thursday, that is what I miss!

I am going swimming tonight, well I will be using my arms and walking, but at least it is exercise! I can't wait to be back running and in the gym properly, when you are not doing exercise there is always something missing from your life, well my life!

Going to see the surgeon a week on Thursday, I am hoping that I have the 70 degree bend that he wants. My friend here at work had his ACL done a week after me and he can already bend it to 100 degrees, it show how serious PCL and MCL surgery is!

not sure how long i have to keep the brace on, but is is beginning to get a little annoying having it on!

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Week 4 - PCL Surgery - Scar healed and walking slowly

I had the op 4 weeks ago, it was a 4 hour op and I had a hamsting graft to reconstruct my Medial Collateral Ligament and a LARS ligament to reconstruct my PCL. I had it done in the Lister hospital in London, which was great, although quite expensive.

My knee is feeling much better, it is not that painful and I am able to sleep much better than before. I have flexion of 65% and I need to get 70% by next thursday, when I go back to see my surgeon.

I am still on cructhes and have a big brace on, so it will be interesting to hear when my surgeon thinks I can take the brace off. I know he wants it on to stop me going past 70% for a while. My surgeon seems pretty awesome, he take the time to write very detailed letters to me and he is excellent at explaining everything

I am now back at work and hobbling around! Getting into work by tube is not the funnest thing, but if you get in early enough you can get a seat.

My massive scar has healed almost completely, it will be interesting to see what it will look like in say a year, lucky I am not a girl or it would look pretty ugly.

I am definately interested in hearing from anyone who has had a similar op.

Thursday 23 December 2010

Week 3 - Bandages/Strips off and 1st physio

Yes the bandages are off! The scar is looking almost healed! I need to be carful that I don't split them. Nice to be able to have a full shower and clean my leg!

My knee is still feeling really hard due to swelling. My flexion is about 50% at the moment and I am not confident walking on the knee without cructches.

Nice being home and being looked after by my mum! Went to the physio and she massaged my knee, felt great.

This is the long road to recovery!

Saturday 18 December 2010

Week 2 - staples out of my knee

After 2 weeks with staples in my leg they are finally out! The surgeon said my bed is about 40% and he wants it to be 70% in 4 weeks time. Will have to use the ice machine loads to get the swelling down. Here are some before and after pics.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Week 1 - Day after the op

It is athe day after the op and the nurse is chnaging my bandages and taking the drain out of my knee. Most of my knee is num, it is weird having over 40 staples in my knee... I am pretty high on morphine still - I am pretty sure I tried to chat the recovery nurse up!

Saturday 12 September 2009

An interesting Friday night....

So...... there are 4 of us in the house and we have a 5th room which at the moment we rent out to Brazilian girl called Larissa. Now in practise this sounds like a good idea and for my housemate John it has worked out.

On a night out last night to some bars near us here in Clapham, John and Larissa went to get shots and the next thing we saw was them snogging at the bar, totallt out of the blue, although we could all see John had locked on in his normal fashion earlier in the night.

Now the complicated thing here is that Matt my other housemate is really into Larissa, so there was an awkward moment last night when Matt and John confronted each other....

A very funny situation as it was John who was preaching the other day that Matt should not be trying it on with Larissa! To John's defence I think it happened rather quickly!

So...... Larissa is around for the next 4 weeks, so our house dynamics has changed slightly. How is John going to cope living with a girl he is seeing. John has difficulty commiting to any girl that lives within 200 miles, this going to be a test.

So we joked when looking for a temporary housemate that it would be good to get a hot one to get with and yes it has happened. Funny times